Satyam Eva Jayate Or StyamevaJayate, a TV program has stirred up a hornets nest once against where gory stories of father, husband, father in laws, mother in laws are being told where every husband, brother, father, in-laws seems to bow their head in shame! But is this the true picture of India we are showing…
Why I want to go back to my village
It is almost 4 years now that I have been thinking to go back to my village and live there forever. To be honest, my desire to go back increased after I had Stone Problem in February 2008. So in while, I keep updating my Facebook Status, Twiter about my desire to retire and permanently…
I tried my hand in Bird Photography
Finally, I thought I would publish some pictures of birds which I captured here and there in Udaipur. I was not very keen to take pictures of bird, majorly because I did not want to invest in lenses required for bird photography. I started with Nikon 55-200mm Non VR lens and after getting frustrated for…
My Experience With Indian Bureaucracy and Corruption
I thought I would share few experiences with Indian bureaucracy and its grievance redress system. First of all, I must tell you that, the “grievance redress system in Indian bureaucracy” is firmly in place, and it works mostly to the satisfaction of the complainant. But if you read news paper, watch TV News, one may…
My Experience with Google AdSense
When I first started blogging in August 2008, I thought I would be able to make a lot of money with Google AdSense. For that, I did many silly things including searching for ‘high paying’ keywords and try to put them in some useless blog posts. Everyday, I used to check Google AdSense account for…
Recent Goa Trip : Travel Diary
I visited Goa recently on some photography work, wedding photography to be exact. I think Goa is one of the cleanest place in India. May be I was traveling to good or tourist locations in Goa, but I found all roads remarkably good, without any potholes! While, I would be uploading my picture in my…
Maintaining your Websites : Learnt few lessons hard way!
Recently, I faced a hacking attack due to which my VPS ( Virtual Private Server) was disabled by hosting service provider and all my websites were down almost for 18 hours! The server was hacked by some hacker and were using the server to attack other servers all around the world! Since I had no…
Online Reputation Monitoring by Blogger
Online reputation monitoring is checking if anyone is ‘talking’ about you or your brand. Online Reputation Monitoring is very important for any online business like e-commerce portal, travel portals, online shops. With recent explosion of social networking sites( Facebook, Twitter etc.), even brands which normally sells offline, monitoring online reputation has become a major brand…
How I earn money ?
The very first question I am asked, as soon as I introduce myself as blogger to any one, is “How I earn for living ?”! I find it hard to reply, even when I reply, I do not find people to be convinced. So I thought, if you are really curious, here are how I…
What I do as Blogger
I have been blogging for four years now! While I blog variety of subjects, my main and original blog is IVR ( Interactive Voice Response) System which was my first blog with .COM domain! It has been a good experience with the blog. I have come to know many people in the small IVR industry…